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Self Awareness - Esther O. Feyisetan


Amaka discovered her current job role does not match her true passion for Entrepreneurship. She desires to own a business of her choice; she wishes to engage in things that align with her standards.

Although she got a lot of criticism, she ignored because she alone knows that which is right for her. She took the risk for a better result.


"When we focus our attention on ourselves, we assess our present action to our internal standards and values i.e. passion, feelings, behavior, interests, strength and weaknesses. We become self-conscious as objectives evaluators of ourselves" (Shelley Duval and Robert Wicklund)

Self-awareness includes consciously assessing your behaviors, thoughts and emotions. It is the ability to take an honest look at yourself, understand your passion, values and actions, admit your mistakes and learn from them.

To be self-aware, you must be able to:

Answer ‘Who I am’ question

This is one of the difficult questions to answer. What do I want out of life? What are my values? What is my purpose in life? What motivates me? Who are my friends? At this point, you will be able to reflect on your actions and assess yourself.

Know yourself

Listen more than speak. Listen to yourself; identify your passion, goals, dreams and interests. Aristotle posited that knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.

Pay attention to your thoughts and emotions

Identify your feelings and how it affects others; recognize your emotions and the emotions of others. Reflect on how you feel when you are involved in conflicts, does it affect your emotions and thoughts?

Recognize your strengths and weaknesses

Identify your strengths, admit that you are wrong and your shortcomings should not be hidden. Take an honest look at your life without any attachments of you being right or wrong, good or bad.

Benefits of Self Awareness

  • It gives you more self confidence

  • It enables you to create and live a life that you want

  • High level of happiness

  • It helps you to become more satisfy with whatever you do

  • It improves your relationships with others.

Self-awareness is a tool that will help you become a better individual, improve your relationship and empowers you to decide on what to do and how you feel. Acknowledge yourself for who you are your values and passion.

Take time to reflect and assess yourself today.

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